
Services we provide by appointment:

  • Diagnostic Hearing Assessments - Adults/Children5+
  • Hearing Aid Fitting/Servicing/Batteries
  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
  • Balance, Dizziness, Vertigo Assessments
  • Custom Hearing Protection
  • Wax Removal by Microsuction

It’s your choice…

  • Palmerston North Clinic or Feilding Clinic.

At Heartland Hearing & Balance, we have a very careful approach.

We see fewer people, take more time, and charge less.

We fully comply with ACC/MoH requirements.

Questions welcomed on any hearing or balance/dizziness related matter.

Problems hearing in background noise?

Would like a 2nd opinion about hearing aids?

Have hearing aids that could be better?

Dizziness or Balance problems?

Ear wax buildup?


JULY 2024


Here’s looking forward to more settled weather…


Please stay home if you are unwell.  Your vaccination status is not our concern.  Mask wearing is optional. Additionally, all our staff at Heartland are vaccinated and will put on masks if requested.


Melissa is our full-time administrator.  Melissa is based in our Palmerston North clinic, and is also answering all phone calls/bookings/emails for Feilding clinic.  Melissa can also service your hearing aids in PN, if Sam or Janine is not available.


Experienced Audiometrist, Janine Frost, is our full time clinician, available in both Feilding and Palmerston North clinics.


Sam is our Audiologist and founder, available in both Feilding and Palmerston North.  He also does some specialist work at PN and Whanganui Hospitals.


8.30am-12.00pm, 1.00pm-5.00pm

                              Monday    (Sam, Melissa)
                              Tuesday   (Janine, Melissa)
                              Wednesday    (Sam, Melissa)
                              Thursday    (Janine, Melissa)
                              Friday    (Melissa)


8.30am-12.00pm, 1.00pm-5.00pm

                              Monday    (Janine)
                              Tuesday    (Sam)
                              Wednesday    (Janine)
                              Thursday    (Sam)
                              Friday    (Janine)


* the above times are indicative only, and are subject to change.

The shaking air rattled Lord Edward's membrane tympani; the interlocked malleus, incus, and stirrup bones were set in motion so as to agitate the membrane of the oval window and raise an infinitesimal storm in the fluid of the labyrinth. The hairy endings of the auditory nerve shuddered like weeds in a rough sea; a vast number of obscure miracles were performed in the brain, and Lord Edwards ecstatically whispered "Bach!"

Aldus Huxley, Point Counter Point (1928)

“Hello, my name is Sam Veale.  I’m one of the independent audiologists for Heartland Hearing & Balance.  Please read the page: "Why See Us?” or contact us for further information.  If you are interested in our backgrounds, you can read the Our People page on this site.  

“The two most important things for ANY person seeing ANY health professional are:

  • TO BE UNDERSTOOD.  We will take time with you to LISTEN, and to make sure we understand what you are explaining to us.
  • TO UNDERSTAND.  We will do our best to help you understand your test results, and how they will be contributing to your own experience of hearing/communication, or balance/dizziness/vertigo.

© Heartland Audiology Ltd 2023